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Legal Notice

Contact us

Editor and publication director

The website oceantracking.fr is published by the company FSYachting , registered under the number siret 39037679600053 in the Morlaix commercial register (29).

Publication manager(s): the current chairman, François Séruzier.


The technical team of the Versio web agency supervises the hosting and facilities management of the website, using the services of Digital Ocean, 101 Avenue of the Americas 10th Floor, New York, NY 10013, and physical infrastructures – data centres – based in Europe and servers in Amsterdam. The backup solutions use Amazon Web Services and physical infrastructure – data centres – based in Paris.

Purpose and content

The purpose of this website is to inform Internet users, the company’s customers and prospective customers, the media, etc. about the Internet services and web solutions offered by xxxxx. The copy is written in all sincerity and checked, as are the media illustrating the published articles. The customer testimonials and case studies published were submitted to the customers’ companies and natural persons concerned prior to publication.

The texts available on the website were written by the employees or management of xxxx. However, if any information appears to be inaccurate or contains a typographical error, please notify the website administrator: contact@oceantracking.fr

The images, videos and iconography available on the website include photographs, screen captures and illustrations. Subject to the intellectual property rights of third parties (see Credits page), the images are the exclusive property of Ocean Tracking.

If you wish to use any of the content, please ask Ocean Tracking for consent beforehand and send a request to the website administrator: contact@oceantracking.fr

Intellectual property rights

This website is the property of FSYachting, which is the author within the meaning of Articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound and all works used on the website are the property of FSYachting or of third parties who have given the company permission to use them.

Oceantracking.fr’s website can be reproduced on paper or electronically, provided that it is strictly for personal use, excluding any use for advertising, commercial and information purposes, and that it complies with the provisions of article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the website, or of all or part of the content within, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright, without having requested permission of FSYachting beforehand.


The creation of a hypertext link to the oceantracking.fr website requires permission from xxxxx beforehand. Please send your request to: contact@oceantracking.fr

Under no circumstances can FSYachting be held responsible for the availability of websites that are the destination of a hypertext link from this website and it cannot be held responsible for the content, products, services, etc. available on or from these websites.